If you want a perfect pour over for your coffee, you can't do much better than a Stainless Steel coffee kettle. These are well-constructed and have a nice texture. A gooseneck spout will minimize the amount of water that will come into contact with the boiling water. You can easily read the temperature and adjust it to your liking.
READ MOREThe Black Coffee Kettle is one of the most popular types of coffee brewers available today. It is the most simple to use and has a surprisingly minimalist design. The kettle's handle is elongated and comfortable to hold, making it an easy choice to use on any kitchen counter.
READ MORETo make a great cup of coffee, you need a good coffee kettle. While most kettles are fairly simple, you need to keep a few things in mind before you purchase a new one. While the number of features is important, you don't want to overspend, because a good kettle shouldn't break.